Is dental implant treatment expensive?

Dental implant costs depending on the complexity of the surgery, the number of implants required, as well as the need for a bone graft.

Items to consider include the cost of surgery and implants, dentures and dental laboratories. Looking at this treatment in the long run, the costs can be profitable.

Is there a risk at the time of implant implantation?

Like any surgery, dental implant surgery poses some health risks. Problems are rare, though, and when they do occur they're usually minor and easily treated. Risks include:
Infection at the implant site
Injury or damage to surrounding structures, such as other teeth or blood vessels
Nerve damage, which can cause pain, numbness or tingling in your natural teeth, gums, lips or chin
Sinus problems, when dental implants placed in the upper jaw protrude into one of your sinus cavities

What is the Dental Implant Procedure and the Recovery Process?

When you schedule your dental implant procedure, a surgical liaison will be in touch with you, and will answer any and all questions. It’s quite normal for a patient to be put under twilight anesthesia during the procedure. Medication will be prescribed to help you manage any pain you may experience. However, many patients find that the pain is significantly less than what they anticipated.
It is in this stage that you will receive a temporary prosthesis (bridge or crowns). At practices such as EON Clinics, this happens on the same day as the procedure, so you will leave with a beautiful, natural smile. Be aware, there are a few limitations with this prosthesis until you get your permanent prosthesis (also known as a definitive)..
Top Tips for a Healthy Dental Implant Recovery
DO NOT blow your nose. If you have to sneeze, please do so with your mouth open to avoid any pressure in the sinus area.
DO NOT smoke. This applies to tobacco, cannabis, or smokeless nicotine products. In addition to normal adverse health effects of these products, they can negatively impact your recovery. Smoking or chewing tobacco products, especially in the first week after surgery, can have a hugely negative impact on healing and increase the failure rate for dental implants.
DO NOT lift or pull up on your lips to look at your stitches. Doing this may cause some tearing or may irritate the gums.
DO NOT drink liquids through a straw. This creates a vacuum in your mouth that can be harmful to tissue impacted by the procedure.
Initially, you will be put on a diet of pureed or finely chopped foods. This will last up to two weeks. After that, DO NOT eat any foods that you can’t cut with the side of a fork. Due to the sensitivity of your gums, eating anything too hard can cause pain and/or complications from chewing.
Avoid very hot foods.
Apply a cold compress to the sides of the face to help relieve pressure.
Use a mouth rinse of half a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of baking soda, and eight ounces of water held in your mouth for two to three minutes every hour to help your mouth feel more comfortable.